
 Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about my future profession, pharmacy. This health professional is a specialist in the knowledge, development, production and application of medicines, cosmetics and other biological substances. You can work at private clinics, doctor's offices, hospitals, pharmaceutical and cosmetic laboratories, clinical laboratories, veterinary medicine laboratories, among others. The positive aspects that this profession has is a low percentage of unemployment so there are many job opportunities, there is a high variety of specialization, and we have a good remuneration. The benefits are that it is very important in society because with the information you know, you can help and ensure safety in treatments with medicines. I chose this career because during high school I met people who were studying pharmacy but in other universities, and I was quite excited by their stories, then I researched the field and the curriculum that it had and it looked interesting.  I convinced myself to study this thinking about what I wanted in the future, I want to work in a laboratory and this is a profession that gives me that possibility and it is something that I love.


  1. something I love about this profession is its field of work

  2. I hope you can fulfill your dreams and work in a laboratory.

  3. I think this career is very fun. I hope you can work on what you love so much!


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